Sunday, March 17, 2013

My new madness - Aquarium

 The most expensive and most colorful Arowana in the world originated from Malaysia is the Malaysian Golden Arowana. It is currently one of the most expensive color specimen for the Asian Arowana. There are many verities of the Malaysian Golden Arowana, 1st the Golden Arowana can be identified by observing the scale metallic based color and 2nd its can be identified by the level of goldenness around the scale, fully golden or all round golden is know as cross back, half golden is know as high back and golden quality between the cross back and the high back is known as super high back. 
 And I purchase mine about a month ago starting with a Red Tailed Gourami with a mate Senegal Bichir. Where soon I got very fond of having an Arowana. So, early March I got my Arowana a Super High Back.

 Feeding the Arowana
The Arowana is a carnivorous fish. In the wild, its food consists mainly of insects, fish, prawns, worms and small amphibians. The Arowana prefers live food, although it can be trained to accept other foods. Small Arowanas (below 15cm) should be fed three times a day, medium sized Arowanas (15-35cm) once a day or every alternate day. If your Arowanas is overfed for a long period of time, it may lose its appetite and starve itself for a period of a few days. Overfeeding can also shorten the life span of your Arowana and affect its breeding capability.
Live fish namely any bite-sized fish that is not poisonous, can also be Arowana food. Feeder gold, meadow, baby koi, baby catfish and small cichlids are commonly used. Quarantine is a must to screen out sick fish.
Prawns are good for Arowana as they contain very good protein, simulate growth and enhance its colour. When feeding the prawns to a young Arowana, you need to remove the head and tail as it might hurt its small stomach. Also, do not leave much live prawn in the tank, as they encourage the Arowana to constantly search downward for them and hence, may cause drop eye.
Arowanas can eat pellets but you will need to train it. Pellets contain lots of vitamins and nutritious ingredients, which will make sure that Arowana has a balanced diet.
Frogs are very nutritious food for the Arowana and are commonly used in Asia. They are believed to enhance the colour of your Arowana. They should quarantine for a few days before feeding. Do not feed dead frogs to Arowana.

  Arowana is not a usual fish. Ancient Chinese believed that it brings luck and wealth. Indeed, the big golden or silver scales of the arowanas look like the coins. But in order to keep one in your house or apartment, or maybe office you will need some wealth already. 
  Arowana is not a small fish. It grows up to a metre long—more than three feet. You will need a fish tank at least four metres long, a metre wide and 60 cms deep. Also, the care is not easy. Arowanas are prone to depressions and sometimes can even kill themselves. To keep the fish happy you will need to decorate the tank carefully with a lot of shady places. Arowanas are predators. In the fish tank the fry of the cheap fishes and even some small fish could be fed to them.